They say that never in history has progress been made so quickly; that never in history have the changes been so immediate. You cannot understand today's world without global access to technology.

SAFETWICE IT is our Information technology division.

Different approaches to help your progress

We work according to your needs; with the best professionals at your disposal, wherever you need them. Our team is always updating their knowledge. In time & materials, platform or service agreement models. Development people, platforms, QA & testing. Project and Program Management

Some capabilities, just ask us…

.NET (ASP.NET) , Java (Spring, Boot, JUnit)
PHP (Laravel...), JavaScript (Next.js , Express.js)
Python (Django, Flask), Go (Golang, Ginebra)

JScript (ReactJS, Angular, Vue.js, React...)
JavaScript (JQuery...)

Testing & QA automation (Selenium, Robot Framework...) / DevOps


Willing to join us?

If you think you'd have a place among us, just let us now. Use the form at the bottom of the page to keep in touch. Safetwice is committed to equal opportunities.