
SafeSuite is a FTA, FIT calculation and FMEA toolset. These complementary pieces of software complete the triad of reliability analysis tools that any safety project needs to guarantee and display results. The different pieces of software have import and export options that facilitate its use with existing environments such as Altium Designer.

SafeSuite is composed by three different and still linkable pieces of software, namely:

  • SafeTree: Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) tool.
  • SafeFIT: Failures In Time (FIT) rate calculation.
  • SafeFMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA).


SafeTree is a reliability software designed for Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). With this solution you would be able to easily draw fault trees and compute failure rates depending on the designed topology

  • Support for different event types: failure branch, diagnosis and HW endpoints
  • Automatic tree layout and drawing. Robust, single-view interface
  • Immediate failure rate recalculation
  • Simple, efficient navigation: zooming, panning, branch switching
  • Simple child branch management: duplicate, connect, disconnect trees
  • Enable/disable branches for quick impact assessment
  • Print to paper or PDF
  • Save/Load data in custom format enabling app-specific features
  • Support for software endpoints for informative and process integrity purposes


SafeFIT is a reliability software focused on the computation of FIT values for hardware components

  • Support for IEC62380, MIL217F
  • Import/Export of data in CSV for interoperability with external programs
  • Save/Load data in custom format enabling app-specific features
  • Grid-based, single-view interface
  • Fully keyboard and mouse enabled. Copy/Paste support to/from clipboard

Contact us to request a plan

The evaluation software is a limited feature version. For a full access license please contact us